Vulnerabilities and Blessings
Like so many folks today, I am trying to make some sort of sense of how the world has shifted below my feet. I’m no...
The Call
One advantage of growing up attending Catholic grammar school in the 50’s and 60’s was the push from the teachers to read books. Summer reading...
The Flickering Flame
I recently had an important phone conversation with a friend and teacher that I first met 27 years ago. We’ve traveled the journey of personal...
Kicking the Habit
It seemed like a good idea at that stage of his life. Many of his friends were smoking, and it made them seem grown up...
On Eldering
I was fortunate to stumble into an opportunity to discover what it means to be an elder in todays world. Being a long time member...
Loving Gaia
When I was a boy and then a teenager in the 50’s and 60’s, there was an attitude of “let’s save the birds because we...
Dumps and Things
Dumps and Things When I bought the farm where I live, there were several large piles of debris that had been dumped by previous owners....
Gazing Upwards, Gazing Inward
[avatar user=”SA” size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Steve Aman[/avatar] One of the many blessings in my life is the opportunity to sit most mornings on my deck and go...
Sit Spot
[avatar user=”SA” size=”thumbnail”]Steve Aman[/avatar] When I was ten years old, I told my parents that I would like to join the Boy Scouts, and that...
Trees and Grass
I was blessed to discover the benefit of recognizing my life purpose decades ago. This was quickly followed up with an understanding and claiming of...