Author: Stephen Simmer


There was a time when America was the leader in most of the things that really mattered in the world. There was a time when...

And Now?

As if the long list of events to place under the heading of “collapse” was not enough, now we have a Supreme Court of the...


Four Legged Spirits My guide and mentor told me to expect to be visited. He said that there might be Spirits with good intent, or...

Natural Exposure

Natural Exposure I am one of those who are immensely blessed on so many fronts. I have enough of everything that I need: shelter, reliable...

blog entry

Speak This week marks the 26th time that the world’s powers have come together (COP 26) to attempt to address the climate crisis. It appears...

On Essential Workers

On Essential Workers Much has been said of late about the importance and value of essential workers in our modern world. Certainly without the doctors...

Tree Tops

Everyone who has taken 8th grade science knows that trees drink in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Trees are terrific friends to us humans...

Will the Reeds Still Wave?

It was good to see the four painted turtles up on the old dilapidated dock. More boards were submerged than were above the surface, it...